Privacy policy

Privacy policy

/Privacy policy

King Technology collects and processes your personal data that you have entered in accordance with our Privacy Policy and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

King Technology is committed to you to maintain the confidentiality of your personal data and not to disclose it to others except within the limits authorized in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. We also take all precautionary measures and measures to maintain the confidentiality of our users’ personal data.

We also reserve the right to amend or change the privacy policy according to our discretion by publishing the amended version on our website, provided that the updated version is in effect from the date of its publication on the website. When you access our website or use our services, you agree to us using, collecting and processing your personal data in accordance with our amended Privacy Policy.

You should know that when you place an order, we will share your personal data with the seller who owns the product you wish to purchase. Accordingly, the seller alone bears full responsibility towards you in the event of misuse of your personal data, and King Technology will not bear any responsibility towards you for any damages or losses arising from the seller by any action that would exploit or misuse your personal data.

User-generated content: ratings, comments, opinions, and other communication methods

You may communicate and interact with King Technology in various ways, such as posts, ratings, opinions, comments, forums, and feedback (collectively, “Your Content”) through which you can evaluate King Technology’s services and your satisfaction with the products you have purchased.

You acknowledge and undertake to grant King Technology a non-exclusive, unlimited, final, irrevocable, royalty-free, licensed right to use your content that you shared with us through the King Technology website, whether through publishing, copying, distributing, modifying, adding or deleting this content or taking any action. Other action that King Technology deems appropriate in its sole discretion. You also agree to permanently, irrevocably and cost-free assign to King Technology all intellectual property rights in your content, whether registered or unregistered, and that all information, data, opinions, comments and any of your content are considered our exclusive property.

You acknowledge and undertake that you will not publish any content that includes (in our discretion) any of the following:

Statements that are untrue, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, or unlawful or depict or incite any form of violence.

Content that is racist, inappropriate, contrary to public morals and behavior, uncivilized, incitement to hatred and discrimination, offensive, sarcastic, insulting, or derogatory to any sect of society.

Posting false, fraudulent, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, slanderous, intimidating or harassing information

Any content that violates or violates the rights of others, whether the intellectual property rights of others or any other rights whatsoever.

Publishing information that carries political or critical opinions, is harmful to the public interest, or threatens national security.

Any content that is vulgar, obscene, sexual, or contains pornographic material (whether text or graphics) or is indecent.

Any content that may cause undue inconvenience or anxiety to others.

Data or information intended to promote products and services outside our site or to discourage anyone from purchasing any of the products offered on our site, or to urge them not to deal with King Technology, or to seek to negatively affect in any way the relationship between King Technology and other users.

Any content that violates applicable laws and regulations, the rights of third parties, or any judicial order.

Any content that harms or damages King Technology's reputation.

In the event that you publish any violating content, King Technology will delete this content and/or suspend or delete your account on our website temporarily or permanently, restrict your use of any of our services in whole or in part, or take any other action we deem appropriate in accordance with our discretion.

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