Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

/Terms and conditions

The introduction:

These terms and conditions are designed to inform you of your rights and duties arising when you use King Technology services.


King Technology is an Egyptian company responsible for managing an e-commerce platform consisting of the King Technology website (“the site”) that works in the field of selling and distributing electrical and electronic devices (“products”) within the Arab Republic of Egypt.

These terms and conditions (“Site Terms and Conditions” or “Terms”), as well as the privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) listed on the Site, through which you can learn about the methods used by King Technology to collect and process the user’s personal data (“for a user”) , “you” or “you” that you shared with us when you accessed and used King Technology services (“Services").

By clicking on the button (“I agree”) you represent and warrant:

(a) You have read and understood the terms and conditions of the site and our privacy policy.

(b) You agree and acknowledge to be bound by and comply with these Terms, which represent the terms of a binding agreement between you and King Technology.

(c) You agree to give King Technology the right to share your personal data registered on your account on the site to others in accordance with the privacy policy in force within King Technology.

King Technology reserves the right to amend, change, add or delete these terms, or any of its texts, characteristics or attributes, in whole or in part at any time according to its absolute discretion. We can also amend the terms and conditions in response to any updates or changes in the texts of applicable laws and regulations. related to it, without any obligation on our part to notify you or obtain your prior approval, provided that this amendment becomes effective as soon as the amended version is published on the electronic platform. Accordingly, your access and use of King Technology services after publishing the update constitutes your approval and acknowledgment of compliance with the terms and conditions in their amended version.

King Technology reserves the right to suspend or stop your access to the electronic platform and your use of King Technology services, whether temporarily or permanently, or to delete your account registered on the site or restrict your access to and use of any of our services in the event that you commit any act that would (according to our discretion) constitute a violation or infringement. None of these conditions, without any responsibility on King Technology towards you or towards any other person as a result of this comment or deletion.

Eligibility to create an account:

You must create an account on our website. You must be over eighteen years of age and reside in the Arab Republic of Egypt. If you are not eighteen years old and wish to use any of our services, you can enlist the help of a parent or legal guardian to make the purchase on your behalf. .

If you are creating the account on behalf of any legal person, your acceptance of these conditions means your acknowledgment of your legal capacity to represent that legal person, and in that case your acceptance of these conditions means this legal person’s acknowledgment and agreement to abide by these conditions and not to violate them and that he has fulfilled all necessary licenses and permits to practice his activity. Within the Arab Republic of Egypt. If you do not agree to abide by these terms or are not legally qualified to represent the legal person in whose name and for whom you are creating an account, you may not use any of our services.

When you create an account on the King Technology website, you will have to disclose to King Technology some personal information, including, but not limited to, your name, phone number, and email, and you will also have to choose the user name and password for your account (“registration data”).

You represent and warrant that the registration data you entered to create your account is true, accurate, complete, and up-to-date, and to remain so at all times. In the event that you disclose data that is incorrect, inaccurate, out of date, or in violation of what is stated in these terms and conditions, King Technology has the right We are fully entitled to stop, limit or cancel your membership or restrict your access to our website and benefit from our services, without harming the rights of other King Technology and its various means of recovering their rights.

You acknowledge and undertake your obligation to compensate King Technology for any losses, damages, costs or expenses incurred by you as a result of your entering false, incorrect, inaccurate or out-of-date registration data.

You acknowledge that you will not use a false and/or false name, register any fake accounts, or attempt to impersonate any other person or user, as such actions would violate applicable laws and regulations, and in that case King Technology will have the right to suspend or Delete your account or prevent you from accessing the electronic platform and/or benefiting from our services, without You acknowledge that you will not use a false and/or false name, register any fake accounts, or attempt to impersonate any other person or user, as such actions would violate applicable laws and regulations, and in that case King Technology will have the right to suspend or Delete your account or prevent you from accessing the electronic platform and/or benefiting from our services, without prejudice to King Technology’s other rights, including but not limited to taking any legal measures against you or resorting to the judiciary and requesting compensation for the damage.

Login credentials

When you create an account on the electronic platform, you will be required to maintain the confidentiality of your account username and password (“login credentials”) and not disclose them to any person who is not authorized to deal with your account, knowing that you will be responsible to King Technology for any activities that occurred on your account. Whether by you or by a third party, even if the third party is not authorized by you to access or use your account. If you have reason to believe that your account credentials have been compromised, you must notify us immediately to take necessary action. You acknowledge and undertake that King Technology is in no way responsible for any losses incurred by you directly or indirectly as a result of any hacking of your account or personal data. You also acknowledge and undertake to compensate King Technology for any damages or losses incurred by you as a result of breaching the confidentiality of your account or login data and/or any illegal, unreal, or unauthorized use of your account by others.

Please note that you cannot use another user’s account without the consent of the account holder and without his express authorization, and you cannot assign your account to others without the prior written approval of King Technology. Finally, you cannot create more than one account for any reason, otherwise King will have the right The technology of freezing the two accounts or canceling one of them, with a commitment to liquidate all financial transactions that took place on the account before closing it.

You acknowledge your obligation to deliver to King Technology, when requested to do so from time to time, any original and updated data, information and/or certificates that would prove your identity or the identity of the legal person you represent or that this legal person has obtained all necessary licenses and permits to practice its activity. Within the Arab Republic of Egypt. If you refrain from providing these documents, King Technology has the right to suspend, suspend and/or delete your account and/or restrict your access to and use of our services. 

King Technology will have the right to delete or cancel any accounts that have not been verified, have become inactive, or have no transactions for a long time.

If you comply with and work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the site and create and register an account, King Technology will grant you a specific, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable license to enter the electronic platform and benefit from our services for personal, non-commercial purposes only, provided that this license is restricted and conditional on your commitment and not violating anything. From the texts of the terms and conditions.

Electronic communications:

When you create an account on our website, you agree to receive promotional messages on your e-mail or mobile phone to notify you of any changes, procedures, promotional activities, or new offers and discounts added to the site. Note that you have the right to cancel your subscription to this feature at any time by clicking on the link. located at the bottom of each message.

You also acknowledge that you agree to be communicated with you via e-mail or by broadcasting promotional advertisements on the site and that you agree that all agreements, announcements, statements and other communications provided to you electronically substitute their written counterparts in meeting legal obligations.

King Technology's responsibility for the products displayed on the site

You are fully aware that King Technology is an electronic platform that enables you to browse and purchase the products that our sellers offer through our website or mobile application, and that although we accept the sale process and collect the price of the product on behalf of the seller and for his benefit, we are in no way considered a party to the sale. The contractual relationship between you and the seller alone, and therefore the warranty for the product you purchased through King Technology is subject to the commercial terms and conditions of the seller of this product.

You are also fully aware that the seller is considered responsible to you in the event that he delays or refrains from performing his contractual obligations towards you, and that King Technology does not and has not provided any guarantees or pledges, whether express or implied, regarding the availability, quality, security, safety, authenticity or completeness of the product. that you have purchased, or its reliability, merchantability, originality, useful life, or suitability for a particular purpose.

Therefore, you acknowledge and undertake to release King Technology, its subsidiaries, partners, directors, employees, representatives, and agents, and to release them completely, finally, and irrevocably from any claims, obligations, responsibilities, claims, disputes, damages, or losses, whatever they may be, now or in the future, related, whether directly or indirectly, to Directly using any of our services. 

You also acknowledge that, except in the event that it is proven that the damages or losses incurred by you arise from or due to negligence or negligence on the part of King Technology, or in the event that it is proven that King Technology did not take the necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of such damages or losses, or warn you of the possibility of their occurrence despite its knowledge of them King Technology cannot be held responsible for any damages or losses, whether physical or property, arising from or related to your purchase, possession, or use of any of the products displayed on the electronic platform, and you acknowledge that the product manufacturer and its owner are responsible to you for any defect or malfunction. The product, whether this defect is in the manufacturing, design, or materials used in the product.

Without contradiction to what was mentioned above, the above-mentioned does not apply if King Technology is the technical agent for the product within the Arab Republic of Egypt. In this case, the contractual relationship is established between you and King Technology, which accepts the sale and collects the price in its name and for its benefit.

Site content

All content on the Site, including, without limitation, page headers, custom graphics, button icons, text, descriptions, presentation, arrangement, coordination, optimization, and other information, text, graphics, images, code, software, designs, applications, data, and all content compiled on the Site (collectively “Content The Site is considered the exclusive property of King Technology and/or its suppliers and/or licensors, and is protected, reserved and owned by King Technology under copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual and creative property rights and laws.

You represent and warrant that you will not, or attempt to do, or permit others to decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, derive source code, decrypt, modify, alter, scrape, remove, add, extract, copy, transmit, adapt, improve, update or Publish, transmit, sell, resell, use, create derivative works from, manipulate, exploit or use any component of the King Technology website in any way or for any purpose not expressly authorized by King Technology. 

You are also prohibited from collecting or downloading any of the components of the content or using extraction, mining, scraping or data extraction methods for any of the content components of the website or electronic application, or accessing the King Technology electronic platform or interacting with it by using any robot or any other automated means.

You may not copy, modify, change or distribute any of the components of the site’s content or infringe or violate our site and its trademarks or intellectual property rights in any way.

You may not use or exploit the trademarks owned by King Technology to market or sell any products or services outside our site, nor can you use the trademarks of King Technology in any act that would distort, harm, or harm King Technology’s reputation and credibility.

King Technology has the right to suspend or delete your account from our website and/or take all legal measures against you if you commit any of the aforementioned acts or any act that would compromise the security and integrity of the site’s content or expose it to danger or violate King Technology’s intellectual property rights. Or to a third party, or breaching systems for maintaining the confidentiality of site information and data, or revealing or using any data or information for any reasons, actions, or goals whatsoever.


You acknowledge and undertake that when you access our website and benefit from our services, you will not, whether alone or with the help of a user or another party, commit or attempt to commit any act that would harm or compromise the security, integrity, availability and performance of the King Technology website and the confidentiality of the data of its users and customers, including: For example, but not limited to:

Entering or tampering with systems that maintain the confidentiality of website or phone application data, or revealing or using data or information that you are not authorized to access.

Entering, tampering with, or revealing any personal data related to other users and their accounts, or verifying, examining, or testing the weakness or security of the site or the phone application, or attempting to detect defects in the security mechanisms used on them or the procedures followed to maintain the confidentiality of the data without prior written permission from King. Technological.

Distribute any harmful software such as viruses, Trojan horses, time bombs, or any similar software or technologies that may harm the site, its operation, or the interests of its users.

Tampering with the host, server, or network, for example uploading or sending viruses to the site, exceeding the download limit, sending unwanted messages, or causing messages to stop.

Interfering with the service provided to any other user by including, but not limited to, publishing and distributing spam messages, or imposing a large load or chain letters on the resources, infrastructure, or operating policy of the website or mobile application (including bandwidth, storage capacity, and processing capacity).

Using the King Technology electronic platform or the data registered on it to promote and advertise the products and services of others, or using communications resulting from purchases or sales to complete sales deals on products displayed on other platforms.

Using the King Technology electronic platform or the data available on it to distort and harm the reputation of King Technology or its employees

Manipulating product prices, King Technology fee structure, and billing process.

Violating or violating intellectual property rights, whether owned by King Technology or by others, and/or the applicable laws, regulations and decisions within the Arab Republic of Egypt.

King Technology will suspend or delete your account, block you, or block your access to our site and/or take all legal measures guaranteed to us by law against you and resort to the judiciary to request compensation for damages if you commit any of the aforementioned acts or if you violate any of the provisions of these terms. And provisions.

You must know that our failure to take all legal actions and measures against any other user who violates these terms does not constitute a waiver by King Technology of this right, nor does it prevent us from enforcing this right against you or against any other user.

User obligations

You must pay the selling price and fees due to you (shipping fees) calculated on the purchases you made on the site.

In the event that you do not pay your financial obligations for a period of 7 days, King Technology will have the right to deduct the amount due from your electronic wallet (if any). In the event that there are no amounts or the adequacy of the amount in your electronic wallet, your account will be suspended or suspended temporarily or permanently, without any harm. Dues payable by you, meaning that this suspension or suspension does not result in you being exempted or absolved from paying your financial obligations, as King Technology reserves the right to take the legal measures guaranteed to us by law to claim our payable dues.

Exchange and return policy

Requests for exchange or return of any product delivered to the user in response to a purchase order on the website or the King Technology mobile application are subject to the exchange and return policy set forth below.

 The user acknowledges his acceptance and agreement to abide by the exchange and return policy when purchasing products from the King Technology electronic platform.

King Technology guarantees you the right to correct, modify or cancel the purchase order you made on our website within seven days of registering the purchase order, unless you have already received the product or it has already been delivered to the shipping company.

King Technology guarantees you the right to exchange or return the product you purchased with a full refund of the price without giving reasons, in accordance with the following conditions:

The request for exchange or return must be made within fourteen days from the date of receipt.

The product must be in the same condition as it was at the time of receipt and must not have been opened, operated or used in any way.

The product must be in the original packaging in which it was received

The product must be attached to the original tax invoice.

The serial number must be clear and legible, and it must not have been tampered with or attempted to be changed, hidden or removed in any way.

The product must include all its accessories, including but not limited to spare parts, accessories, user manual, and free gifts (if any).

The product must not be a discount item or explicitly stated that it is non-returnable.

The product should not be on the list of non-returnable products. 

King Technology also guarantees you the right to replace or return the product you have purchased with a full refund of the price in addition to shipping costs in the event that you receive a defective product, one with an operational error, or unsuitable for the use for which it was intended, in accordance with the following conditions:

The request for exchange or return must be made within thirty days from the date of receipt.

The product must be in its original packaging and in the same condition as it was upon receipt, and the serial number must be clear and legible.

There is no shortage of any of the product’s inclusions, including but not limited to spare parts, user manual, and free gifts (if any).

The product must be attached to the original tax invoice.

This damage or defect must not have arisen due to an error in installation or operation or the user’s misuse of the product.

The product must not be among the sale items or non-refundable.

The product should not be on the list of non-returnable products.

If you receive a defective product or one with an operating error, please immediately go to the authorized service centers or the technical agent of the product manufacturer in order to obtain a technical report indicating that there is a defect in the product. In this case, you will be entitled to exchange or refund the price of the product, in addition to all shipping costs, within seven working days from the date you notify King Technology.

If King Technology is the technical agent for the product, please go to the private authorized service centers as soon as you become aware of a defect in the product for the purpose of obtaining a technical report on the existence of the defect or damage, provided that the technicians and experts working for the authorized service centers examine the product and confirm the existence of the defect. Or defect, and once such a report is issued confirming the existence of the defect or defect, you can exchange or return the product in addition to all shipping costs within only seven days from the date of notifying King Technology.

Please note that:

King Technology has the right to reject the replacement or return request in the event that it does not comply (according to its discretion) with the above conditions, without any responsibility on King Technology as a result of this rejection.

The price of the product you wish to return will be refunded using the same payment method as recorded on the invoice, or by depositing a balance in your account on our website or in my electronic wallet on King Technology, or via purchase vouchers, bank transfer, or any other method that King Technology deems appropriate.

You will have the right to exchange the product for another of the same or greater value.

Please note that you must review and inspect the product before receiving it, because once you inspect the product and review it with the delivery representative at the delivery location, scratches, cuts, defects, or differences in the colors of the product are considered your sole responsibility, and you will not have the right to return to the company and request a replacement or return. 

You acknowledge and agree that, except in the event that King Technology is the technical agent for the defective or damaged product within the Arab Republic of Egypt, the product manufacturer is responsible to you for any defect, damage, defect, or operational error in the product.

As for the product not conforming to the technical specifications announced on the electronic platform, you acknowledge and agree that, except in the event that King Technology is the technical agent for the product within the Arab Republic of Egypt, the reference to the specifications and capabilities of the product is the responsibility of the product manufacturer alone, and no one else provides King Technology makes no guarantees regarding the validity, accuracy, modernity, or conformity of the specifications and capabilities announced, and King Technology is not responsible for the failure of the product you received to conform to the specifications and capabilities stated on the site. 

You also acknowledge that King Technology does not provide any express or implied guarantees that the products displayed on the electronic platform will be free of defects or suitable for use for a certain period of time from the date of operation.

You should be aware that you will lose your right to request a replacement or refund for a defective or operationally incorrect product if: 

The defect or operational error results from improper installation, use, operation, or violation of the user manual instructions

The defect or operational error arises from any accidents or circumstances that occurred after the date of use.

There is a shortage in any of the product’s inclusions, including but not limited to spare parts, user manual, and free gifts (if any).

King Technology reserves the right to reject any request for exchange or return with a refund according to its discretion in the event that the request for exchange or return does not comply with the conditions mentioned above.

Links to third party websites

On our website, you will find sub-links to websites owned and managed by others. They are in no way affiliated with the authority or management of King Technology by adding these links on our website for information purposes only. Their presence on our website cannot be interpreted in any way as endorsement, guarantee, approval, or approval. A recommendation from us for the products and/or services or content of those websites.

In addition, King Technology does not provide any guarantees or representations regarding the truth, accuracy, or quality of the content or information contained in those sites, or that they are free of viruses or malware, or that they are suitable for any particular audience or purpose.

You acknowledge and undertake that if you click and enter these links, you do so at your own risk and that you agree to be subject to the terms and conditions applicable to those sites. Accordingly, you acknowledge and undertake that you release King Technology from any liabilities or claims arising from your access to and use of the content and services of those sites.

No guarantee

Although we do our best to keep the data on our site true, accurate and up to date, we do not make any guarantees or representations whatsoever regarding the accuracy, validity, adequacy, reliability, reliability, suitability or availability of the data and specifications on the site or our content. Accordingly, we completely disclaim responsibility for any damages or losses that may occur to you as a result of your use of our services or your reliance on the data and information contained in our content. Therefore, you acknowledge that the data and information on our website are for information purposes only, and therefore your use or reliance on them is something you do at your own risk.

You understand that the products, services, information and data displayed on the King Technology website are available on an “as is” basis. We do not provide any guarantees or representations that our products are suitable or suitable for your needs or that our website is free from malfunctions, viruses, malware, errors or defects. Therefore, you acknowledge that when you access the electronic platform, you do so at your own risk and bear the consequences or risks of doing so without any responsibility on King Technology.

Except as expressly stated, we make no warranties or representations about the availability, reliability, quality, safety, performance or lifetime of the products offered on our site, or their merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or that the products will not infringe or violate any intellectual property rights owned by others.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, King Technology will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, consequential or consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss or loss of data, loss of profits, income, revenue, business opportunities, production or Expected savings, business, contracts, or commercial opportunities resulting from your use of the electronic platform or any of King Technology’s services.

King Technology will not be responsible and does not provide any guarantees or pledges regarding the readiness of the electronic platform or the availability, availability, or uninterruption of our services, as King Technology reserves the right to restrict or suspend your access to our site and/or your use of any of our services, in whole or in part, due to maintenance work. Or update or develop, provided that you commit not to commit any act that would exceed this restriction or suspension..

King Technology does not provide any guarantees or pledges regarding the availability, availability, continuity, or survival of the prices of the advertised offers and discounts, as the offers and discounts are subject to change at any time according to our discretion, and King Technology will not be obligated to you to make, provide, or not change the prices. Prices announced before you place your order.

King Technology does not make any guarantees or obligations regarding the availability, validity or accuracy of prices, fees, technical specifications, features, offers, discounts or anything else from our content. The announced prices for the products are valid at the time and date, and may change according to offers, exchange rates, place of delivery, or any change in the status of the product’s stock or availability at King Technology. We reserve the right to modify, alter, alter, remove or delete any component of Components of King Technology's content at any time, without any obligation on our part to you or to others.

Despite our best efforts, a small number of products may be incorrectly priced on our site. We will correct this error (if any) before processing your purchase order. If we make an error and the correct price of a product is higher than the price on the Website, we will either contact you before shipping to confirm whether you wish to purchase the product at the correct price or cancel your order. If a product's correct price is lower than the stated price, we will charge you the lower price and send you the product.

privacy policy

King Technology collects and processes your personal data that you have entered in accordance with our Privacy Policy and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

King Technology is committed to you to maintain the confidentiality of your personal data and not to disclose it to others except within the limits authorized in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations. We also take all precautionary measures and measures to maintain the confidentiality of our users’ personal data.

\ We also reserve the right to amend or change the privacy policy according to our discretion by publishing the amended version on our website, provided that the updated version is in effect from the date of its publication on the website. When you access our website or use our services, you agree to us using, collecting and processing your personal data in accordance with our amended Privacy Policy.

You should know that when you place an order, we will share your personal data with the seller who owns the product you wish to purchase. Accordingly, the seller alone bears full responsibility towards you in the event of misuse of your personal data, and King Technology will not bear any responsibility towards you for any damages or losses arising from the seller by any action that would exploit or misuse your personal data.

User-generated content: ratings, comments, opinions, and other communication methods

You may communicate and interact with King Technology in various ways, such as posts, ratings, opinions, comments, forums, and feedback (collectively, “Your Content”) through which you can evaluate King Technology’s services and your satisfaction with the products you have purchased.

You acknowledge and undertake to grant King Technology a non-exclusive, unlimited, final, irrevocable, royalty-free, licensed right to use your content that you shared with us through the King Technology website, whether through publishing, copying, distributing, modifying, adding or deleting this content or taking any action. Other action that King Technology deems appropriate in its sole discretion. You also agree to permanently, irrevocably and cost-free assign to King Technology all intellectual property rights in your content, whether registered or unregistered, and that all information, data, opinions, comments and any of your content are considered our exclusive property.

You acknowledge and undertake that you will not publish any content that includes (in our discretion) any of the following:

Statements that are untrue, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, or unlawful or depict or incite any form of violence.

Content that is racist, inappropriate, contrary to public morals and behavior, uncivilized, incitement to hatred and discrimination, offensive, sarcastic, insulting, or derogatory to any sect of society.

Posting false, fraudulent, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory, slanderous, intimidating or harassing information

Any content that violates or violates the rights of others, whether the intellectual property rights of others or any other rights whatsoever.

Publishing information that carries political or critical opinions, is harmful to the public interest, or threatens national security.

Any content that is vulgar, obscene, sexual, or contains pornographic material (whether text or graphics) or is indecent.

Any content that may cause undue inconvenience or anxiety to others.

Data or information intended to promote products and services outside our site or to discourage anyone from purchasing any of the products offered on our site, or to urge them not to deal with King Technology, or to seek to negatively affect in any way the relationship between King Technology and other users.

Any content that violates applicable laws and regulations, the rights of third parties, or any judicial order.

Any content that harms or damages King Technology's reputation


In the event that you publish any violating content, King Technology will delete this content and/or suspend or delete your account on our website temporarily or permanently, restrict your use of any of our services in whole or in part, or take any other action we deem appropriate in accordance with our discretion.

General Terms

All products on the site are available until the displayed quantity runs out, and King Technology has the right to cancel or reject the purchase order based on the stock quantity of the product.

In the case of requests for offers that include gifts attached to the product, the company has the right to amend the request to exhaust the available gifts and compensate the customer with a similar gift or a purchase voucher from the company.

The purchase invoice will be sent after you receive the product to the email registered in your account with us, and King Technology is not responsible for your registration of any incorrect or fake email. In this case, you will not have the right to request the purchase invoice again.

In some cases, a request may not be approved for a number of reasons. The site administrators reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order for any reason and at any time. Before agreeing to the request, we may ask you to provide additional information or other data to verify your identity and personal data, including, but not limited to, phone number and address.

The company has the right to cancel an offer without consulting you if the product is not delivered on the specified date of delivery.

The company has the right to cancel the purchase order in the event that the customer does not respond to the delivery official’s call or procrastinates and postpones the receipt date several times, provided that the value of the product is refunded in the case of prepayment using the same payment method.

Installment requests

King Technology has the right to reject the installment request according to its discretion without giving reasons for the rejection.

The installment request is approved after inquiring about the client, determining the installment system and calculating interest according to the result of the inquiry and based on the opinion of King Technology’s credit department. King Technology has the right to amend the procedures related to the installment request based on the result of the inquiry without referring to the client and before contracting with him. The client has no right to demand from King Technology. To implement the installment request as long as it is not consistent with the opinion of the company’s credit department, King Technology must, after completing the inquiry about the installment applicant, send a text message to his phone and notify him of the company’s decision, whether final approval or rejection.

Inquiry fees for the inquiry service in case of rejection are non-refundable.

Bonus points are not calculated in case of installment requests.

Warranty terms and conditions

King Technology's authorized service centers are responsible for maintaining the products, repairing malfunctions, technical defects, and operational errors in the product, and providing the necessary spare parts, after the expiration of the warranty period. However, during the warranty period, the product is subject to the terms and conditions of the seller, and the seller alone is responsible for repairing any malfunction or operational error. With the product and providing spare parts.

In the event that King Technology is the technical agent for the product, King Technology will be responsible for maintaining and repairing technical malfunctions, operational errors and defects, and providing and installing spare parts during and after the warranty period.


Please note that maintenance and/or repair work must be carried out within King Technology’s authorized service centers, and if you maintain the product outside our approved centers, King Technology will not be responsible for compensating you for the damage to the product resulting from your maintaining or repairing the product outside our approved centers.

In addition, all spare parts for the products must be purchased through King Technology, and King Technology will not be responsible for compensating you for any damage to the product resulting from the installation of non-original or counterfeit spare parts.

You acknowledge and agree that when you go to our authorized centers to benefit from the warranty services provided by King Technology, you do so at your own risk and that you acknowledge that King Technology does not provide any express or implied guarantees and that King Technology will not be considered responsible and that you release it from any claims. Or claims or compensation in relation to any damage arising from or related to maintenance and warranty services provided by authorized service centers.

In order to benefit from the guarantee, you must take into account the following:

The serial number must be clearly and legibly on the product, and no attempt has been made to hide, remove, or tamper with it in any way.

The damage, error in operation, or manufacturing defect must not result from misuse or misuse of the product, negligence on your part, installation error, force majeure incidents, reasons beyond the control of King Technology, any event that arose after the date of receipt of the product, or your violation of the general instructions for use. Operating or user manual in any way.

Do not attempt to maintain and repair the product or use or install spare parts outside King Technology’s approved centers.

The warranty period applies to the products or goods that have been replaced or repaired according to the remaining warranty period of the products being replaced or repaired.

King Technology is not responsible for the loss, damage, or damage of login information, settings information, configuration information, or any information or data you have stored, integrated, or recorded on the product prior to repair or replacement.

Limitation of liability:

King Technology, its directors, employees, agents or representatives shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, consequential, incidental or consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss of profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business or Contracts or commercial opportunities resulting from your use or inability to use the King Technology website or any of its services.

In all cases, King Technology's responsibility in relation to any services provided to you or products that you purchased from our website does not exceed the total price of the product, fees and expenses that you have paid or are due to pay, and each transaction between you and King Technology is considered separate and independent from any other previous or subsequent relationships. .


You acknowledge and undertake to indemnify King Technology for all damages, losses, costs, liabilities, charges and expenses incurred by King Technology arising from or related directly or indirectly to your use of King Technology services or a breach or violation by you of these terms and conditions and King Technology’s own terms and policies.

If we have reason to believe that you have violated or violated these terms or other policies and guidelines followed within King Technology, we will suspend or restrict your access to our website and use of our services, permanently delete your account registered on our website, or take any other action that we may deem appropriate according to our discretion according to each case. Separately. You acknowledge and agree that you will not do anything that would invalidate, circumvent or overcome such suspension or deletion, and that you will remain liable to King Technology with respect to violations and violations committed by you that led to the suspension or deletion.


King Technology's failure to adhere to any of the rights arising from these terms and conditions at any time shall not be considered a waiver of adherence to them at any later time.


If any of the provisions of the present terms are considered null, void, illegal or unenforceable, this will not affect the survival and validity of the remaining provisions that remain in force and produce all their legal effects vis-à-vis you and the user.

The law is subject to application and jurisdiction

The contractual relationship between you and King Technology and the present terms are subject to the laws of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

In the event of any dispute arising between you and King Technology, the Egyptian courts, of all types and degrees, have exclusive jurisdiction to consider and decide the dispute.

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